About me

We own and operate a small family run farm, which we started out with only 3 hens. We fell in love with living a more healthy and self-sustainable lifestyle by raising chickens and eating fresh eggs. The owners of the farm have both suffered from Lyme Disease and chickens are excellent foragers. We now have over two-dozen chickens and growing!! We have started breeding and continue to enjoy the experience of eggs hatching and chicks growing. Our farm is located in a rural area of New England, which abuts a state forest and overlooks a scenic lake.

We offer a monthly subscription service of adopting a chicken. Currently, we have babies and full-grown chicks available for adoption/sponsorship.  With a subscription, you will have the right to name your pet chicken, and choose a color band, which we put on his or his/her leg. We will offer you photos and videos of your real live virtual pet chicken. Your monthly subscription goes directly to feed, bedding, hay, medicine we may need, and other monthly bills, pertaining to your chicken. You are supporting the farm and our quest to live a healthier and happier lifestyle.

Also, you are more then welcome to buy items for your pet chicken(s), such as: chicken swings, meal worms, roosts, hay, bedding, flock block or cabbage treats, that we hang in the barn for the chickens to peck at, and many more things that benefit the happiness and welfare of your pet chicken(s). We will maintain a current list of need items for your convenience, and send you photos and videos of your pet enjoying your generous gifts and treats.

We are currently raising funds specifically to purchase an outdoor camera with night vision so we can offer our subscribers live feed. We also are seeking donations to purchase enough fencing to fence in our farm. This way, we can allow our chickens to free range, which is a healthy lifestyle for them too. Currently, our adult chickens have a 200 square foot fenced in outdoor run, which we would like to expand on.


Subscriptions are $12/month, per chick, due on the 1st of each month. Donations are also welcomed, and can be made anytime for any amount.  Subscriptions and donations can be made through PayPal at: [email protected].

You can also buy a variety of items for your chick. For more information, please contact us.


You can also contact us on Skype.


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